Whole House Filters
Indoor air is rated by the Environmental Protection Agency as more polluted than outdoor air, sometimes up to twenty times more heavily concentrated. This occurs when too little outdoor air is allowed to circulate inside, which results in the accumulation of air pollutants inside, and breathing these contaminants can cause or worsen health problems like asthma, allergies, and heart disease. Whole house filters work not only to remove these pollutants but to rid them from the entire house.
Carrier® media filters are whole house filters. Whole house air filters are designed to filter the entire household. Attached to the HVAC system, whole house filters remove particulates as air is pulled from the house and through the system, sending only purified air back into the house. Whole house filters provide cleaner, healthier air to all areas of the house, helping to improve air quality and breathing conditions without having air purifiers scattered throughout the house.
Electrostatic Filtration
The Carrier® Media Filters come in two different medias, either electrostatic or carbon. Electrostatic filtration uses a filtration media that is a step up from regular fiberglass filters. This media is constructed with a special synthetic material that is electrostatically charged. As air moves through the filter, pollutants are attracted to and trapped on the oppositely charged synthetic fibers of the electrostatic filter. This process makes electrostatic filters up to 20 times more efficient at trapping particulates than regular fiberglass filters.
These filters remove particulates like:
- Dust mites
- Mold spores
- Bacteria
- Tobacco smoke
- Pet dander
- Pollen
MERV Rating
Electrostatic filters are rated by MERV. MERV is the minimum efficiency reporting value, which is the scale designed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters. The higher MERV rating indicates higher filtering performance. The Carrier® Media Filters are offered as MERV 8, MERV 11, or MERV 13.
Carbon Filtration
The other type of filtration offered in the Carrier® Media Filters is the Carbon Odor Block. Most regular particulate filters are unable to trap tiny odor particles, but carbon filters are designed specifically to remove odors, smoke, and gaseous vapors. Carbon filters work by treating a carbon source (for example, charcoal or coconut shell) with steam. This process creates millions of tiny, highly absorbent pores that trap tiny odor particles, leaving the air smelling fresh and clean.
The Carrier® Media Filters are available in a variety of different sizes and come as either the MERV 8, MERV 11, MERV 13, or Carbon Odor Block. Any of these can be selected for any of the particular sizes listed. These filters capture many particulates, which can eventually lead to clogging and inefficiency of the filter. Therefore, it is necessary to keep these filters replaced regularly, usually every six months. The rate of replacement depends on different factors, for example air quality, rate of airflow, and types of particulates in the air.
These Carrier® Media Filters are great for those with poor to medium air quality or for those suffering from breathing problems like asthma or allergies. This makes these filters ideal for the household, office, classroom, etc. They also make great pre-filters for more expensive, higher efficiency systems in high-risk situations. For the better breathing solution, try Carrier Media Filters!